The meaning of the word “seznam” in English language is a “list”. It is also a huge portal with 15 different services.
Seznam.Cz is the second most visited site in the Czech Republic, after It is among the 400 most visited sites in the world. This search engine even uses S-Rank – its own website rating system from 0 to 10 as Google PR. Seznam is one of the list of “fighters against Google”, along with search engines such as Yandex (Russia), Baidu (China), Naver (South Korea) and Yahoo Japan (Japan). These are search engines in their countries of origin, have an approximately equal share or surpass Google in search traffic.
Adding your website to Seznam is very simple, you need to follow 2 easy steps:
1. Step 1
Enter the URL of your website or blog in a single field. For my example, I have entered my site – And press the red button “Pridat”.
2. Step 2
Do not expect that you will get a lot of traffic if your website is not in Czech language. But be sure to add any site, as this is only 30 seconds of your time and possible additional traffic.
Seznam Webmaster Tools
For advanced users, Seznam has a webmaster console – The console is not as advanced as Google`s, however, the added website will be indexed faster and you can make additional settings. Since the console does not have the English language, you can easily use Google Translator.
If you want to continue adding your site to popular and less popular search engines, then go to my article – How to Add a Site or Blog to Search Engines.
Try adding a site to Seznam and it will bring the additional free traffic.